a. Name recognition.
b. Bring in new clients.
c. Distribute news to current clients.
2. Pick which social media channels you what to use.
3. Set up accounts on the different social media sites.
a, Use consistent names, photos and logos on all of the sites.
b. Fill the pages out completely so people can find out about your organization.
c. Have links to your website and contact information on your page.
4. Have a consistent voice across the different sites and over time.
5. Post interesting and informative stories daily.
6.Post about things relevant to your organization but not directly about it at least 50% of the time.
7. Analyze your results and make improvements.
a. What times do posts get the most views or likes?
b. What types of posts do best?
c. Are we achieving our goals?
8. Be patient. Social media success does not happen overnight. It takes time to build a following.
Author: Douglas Boehm of Chicago Social Media Marketers.